Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 4... again?

Since we have textbooks we may as well use them right. Here are three ways to use it efficiently.

1. When reading through your textbook make sure to write down main ideas and important information in the text along the margin. Then when you go back to look over what you read, you have the basic information and do not have to reread to find what you need to remember.

2. If you are confused on a topic, scan ahead in the chapter later on, or later on in the book. If it isn't then it isn't very important to remember, but if something builds off a topic you don't understand fully then you should reread to better understand or find someone to explain the topic better.

3. Skimming over the main topics before and after class from your textbook will help you a lot. It will help you retain all the information you just covered in class. Reading it before class will help you understand main topics so when your professor goes over them then you won't be learning it for the first time and will just have them retaught to you and cleared up.

The advantage of living in a multicultural community are plentiful. First of all we get to learn about new holidays that are celebrated and can experience them first had. One would also get to be very comfortable meeting new types of people and feeling awkward around people. You will learn about different ways of life and be more informed in world ideas and foreign policies. You would become a more well rounded person and accepting of other people no matter what there ideas or feeling towards a certain topic.

1 comment:

  1. Good thinking here. Yes, digest and use them carefully and closing. Knowing the main topics, as you say, too, helps you put together pieces more readily.
