Friday, September 18, 2009

Culture Event!

My cultural event was seeing the movie Smoke Signal. I went and saw it with a few of my friends because are trying to see all the movies that TAB put on for us at the school. I must say that it was not the most eventful movie I have ever seen. Not the worse one but not the best either.

The movie was about a Native American that goes on a life changing trip with one of his friends. The movie starts with a fire that the main characters father started. The father is over come with guilt about having started the fire and killing the parents of his sons friend. The father then runs away to Arizona where he dies years later and his son has to take a bus all the way to Arizona to pick up his ashes to take them home. The son finds many things out about his father on that trip and how his father truly did love him.

The movie showed the different culture that Native Americans live with on reserves. It shows how they are inter related and not very different from anyone else. It also showed some of the persecution that they go through and how they live in a different world by living on a reserve.

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