Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2

The disscussion meeting in COBA, gave me more insight into different events going on at Texas Tech. Such as the study abroad program that is in Spain and Germany. I think it's pretty cool how you can go to either Spain or Germany and learn the different languages in their native places. I think doing a study abroad program would be a lot of fun to participate in. Another thing I learned was that there is a fully functioning clinic on campus that can help students for free when either they are injured or ill. This will come in handy for anyone that gets sick during the year or injures themselves. A third thing I learned was that there are a lot of different cultural day events that occur all around campus, such as Holi day, which is celebrating the arrival of spring in the Hindu religion.


  1. I agree with abigail, about the clinic. Students as well as parents are stressing enough about school and other things its nice to know when were sick its one less thing to stress about; and it won't put a huge dent in our wallets (parents wallets).

  2. Yeah, there are other places you can go to as well if you're interested. I went to London, myself. And, like you pointed out, the wellness center and Holi day are worth looking at. Could go over to the center now, for instance, so that when you're sick you'll know what to do.
